How Many Bitaxes Would It Take to Secure the Bitcoin Network?

Bitcoin mining can sometimes feel like a wild adventure—especially when you think about how much power is needed to secure the network. But how many Bitaxes would it actually take to keep the entire Bitcoin network safe and sound?

Spoiler alert: it’s a lot.

While the Bitaxe Supra is a fun piece of hardware, if your real goal is stacking wild sats, Sazmining offers a smarter, more reliable way to earn Bitcoin.

Let’s find out WHY:

Bitcoin’s Global Hashrate: A Powerhouse at 643 EH/s

As of September 25, Bitcoin’s total network hashrate is a jaw-dropping 643 exahashes per second (EH/s)!

To give you some context, the new Bitaxe Supra delivers a solid 733 gigahashes per second (GH/s). While impressive for its size and efficiency, there’s a big gap between gigahashes and exahashes.

Here’s how it breaks down:

  • 1 exahash (EH) = 1 billion gigahashes (GH).
  • 1 Bitaxe Supra = 0.000000733 EH/s.

Even though the Bitaxe Supra is a powerhouse in the solo mining world, it’s just a drop in the ocean compared to the total network. So, how many Bitaxes would it take to command different percentages of the network?

How Many Bitaxes for 1% of the Network?

Let’s start small (well, relatively small). Controlling 1% of Bitcoin’s network means harnessing 6.43 EH/s of power. The Bitaxe Supra, clocking in at 733 GH/s, would need to be deployed en masse.

  • 1% of 643 EH/s = 6.43 EH/s.
  • Each Bitaxe Supra provides 0.000000733 EH/s, so you’d need approximately 8.8 million Bitaxe Supras to control just 1% of the network.

That’s 8.8 million individual machines, all running 24/7. For solo miners, that’s a wild ride—financially and logistically.

How About 25% of the Network?

Taking it up a notch, let’s say you’re aiming for 25% control of the Bitcoin network. This would require 160.75 EH/s of power—significantly more than most people could ever dream of generating.

  • 25% of 643 EH/s = 160.75 EH/s.
  • You’d need around 219 million Bitaxe Supras to get there.

Managing that many devices isn’t exactly practical. You’d need massive data centers, tons of electricity, and, let’s face it, a very generous budget.

50% of the Network? Dream Big!

To control 50% of the network’s hashrate, you’d need 321.5 EH/s, which means 439 million Bitaxe Supras. This amount of mining power would put you on the brink of being able to launch a 51% attack, where one entity could theoretically control the network.

But who has room for nearly half a billion mining machines? The infrastructure, energy costs, and maintenance would be mind-blowing.51% attack, where one entity could theoretically control the network.

75% of the Network: The Rocket Ride

And now we’re shooting for the stars! Controlling 75% of the network would require 482.25 EH/s—a colossal feat in the mining world.

  • 75% of 643 EH/s = 482.25 EH/s.
  • That’s about 658 million Bitaxe Supras working together to secure 75% of Bitcoin’s network.

It’s not just about the scale of hardware—managing the energy, space, and upkeep for that many machines is a challenge beyond most operations. For individual miners, pooling their efforts is the smarter approach.

100% of the Network: A Crazy Idea?

Finally, to completely secure the Bitcoin network​​, you’d need to control all 643 EH/s. That would require 877 million Bitaxe Supras!

It’s safe to say that controlling 100% of the Bitcoin network is impossible for any individual or even most organizations. And honestly, why try when you can stack sats consistently through pooled mining with Sazmining?

Why Solo Mining with a Bitaxe Isn’t the Best Bet

The Bitaxe is a cool, efficient, and affordable machine for solo mining enthusiasts.

But the truth is, trying to compete solo in today’s Bitcoin mining landscape is like playing the lottery with very long odds. Even with multiple Bitaxes running, the chance of mining a block yourself is slim, and your power costs may quickly exceed your rewards.

Here’s why mining with Sazmining is a much better option:

Pooled Mining with Sazmining: The Smart Way to Stack Wild Sats

1. Guaranteed Wild Sats Stacking

Rather than gambling on solo mining, you can guarantee consistent Bitcoin rewards by joining Sazmining’s pooled mining operation, which partners with Luxor Pool, one of the industry's most trusted and reputable mining pools. Luxor Pool is known for its reliability and excellent payout structure, ensuring your hashrate is efficiently pooled and rewarded.

Contributing your hashrate to Luxor Pool increases your chances of receiving consistent rewards based on your share of the pool’s combined hashrate. This means you’re stacking wild sats regularly, with the peace of mind from mining with one of the best pools around.

2. Hassle-Free Mining at Professional Data Centers

When you mine with Sazmining, your machines are hosted at state-of-the-art data centers optimized for efficiency and uptime. The best part? There are no hidden costs or upcharges on rigs or electricity. What you see is what you get—Sazmining’s transparent pricing ensures you get the best deal possible without the hassle of hidden fees.

Plus, at Sazmining’s Paraguay data center, a 15% management fee ensures your machines are managed professionally to maximize your mining rewards. Unlike other providers, Sazmining doesn’t sneak in extra charges for electricity or hardware—you get a transparent and fair mining experience.

3. Green Energy, Green Sats

Sazmining uses 100% renewable energy to power its operations, allowing you to earn Bitcoin while reducing your carbon footprint. It’s mining that’s sustainable for both your wallet and the planet.

Why Mining with Saz is the Way to Go

While the Bitaxe Supra is a fun and compact mining device, the odds of solo mining success are low—especially when you’re competing against a global network of machines that collectively generate hundreds of exahashes. If you’re serious about stacking wild sats, the smarter, simpler, and more reliable option is to mine with Sazmining.

With consistent payouts, hassle-free management, and renewable energy powering your operations, you can focus on stacking Bitcoin while Sazmining handles the heavy lifting.

Join Sazmining today and start stacking wild sats the smart way!

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